Consultation underway on a new beaver enclosure in Wales – update

9/9/20 Natural Resources Wales (NRW) has said that an application by Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust to release the beavers into an enclosure built by the side of the River Dyfi owned by the Trust should provisionally be approved. The plan is to release up to six beavers into an enclosure at Cors Dyfi Nature Reserve, near Machynlleth.This has gone out for public consultation, due to close on 11th October, before a final decision is made (Powys County Times).

19/10/20 The Farmers Union of Wales (FUW) oppose the application saying there is insuffuicient evidence to demonstrate that beavers will not be a threat to livestock and the people living in the vicinity – see Farming UK.

Posted on October 20, 2020 at 9:00 am

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