Three beavers introduced into Knapdale, Scotland
Beavers were first introduced into Knapdale in Argyll, Scotland in 2009 as part of the Scottish Beaver Trial. In November 2016, after the five year trial had ended, the Scottish Government announced that beavers would be given protected status in Scotland. This includes the large “illegal” population of beavers on the River Tay which probably originates from animals that escaped from captivity in ~2007. The Knapdale beavers were down to about nine individuals in four family groups, only one group of which appeared to be breeding, and were vulnerable. A licence has been given by Scottish Natural Heritage to a new partnership, “Scottish Beavers” (formed by the Scottish Wildlife Trust and the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland), to release up to 28 beavers to reinforce the population. The aim is to achieve five breeding groups derived from a mix of Norwegian and Bavarian beavers (and maybe from other sources). As part of this plan, three beavers were released in 28th November 2017 (BBC News, WalkHighlands).
Posted on December 4, 2017 at 9:48 am
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