Altercation between a dog and a beaver on the River Otter in Devon, Southwest England
There have been recent reports of an incident between a dog and a beaver that occurred near a footpath along the River Otter, near Otterton in Devon (BBC News, Devonlive, ITV News, Sidmouth Herald). It appears that a dog that was not on a lead received injuries that are not life threatening.  It is likely that the beaver had young kits nearby and was defending them. Signs are in place along the river to advise dog owners to keep their dogs are on a lead and out of the water in these areas. Such incidents are very rare but occasionally occur when animals (e.g. deer) or birds (e.g. swans)  have young and feel threatened in some way. Devon Wildlife Trust is licenced to carry out trial studies on the reintroduction of beavers to the River Otter until 2020 (ROBT).
Posted on July 6, 2017 at 11:03 am
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